Directions for Culture Walk

On your site tour today, you will be working in groups of 2-4 to collect visual artifacts related to positive school culture and posting them to the MoM Culture Walk Blog.
Please look for the following on your tour:

--Positive school culture
--Positive student achievement
--Technology use
--Positive professional culture
--Sustainable practice
--Student Engagement
--On task indicators

  • When you see something that you think fits one of the above categories - snap a picture of it with your phone if it has a camera. 
  • Upon returning from the tour, you can post your pics to this blog by emailing them to the following address: 
  • Please add a brief description of the picture you posted.  It would be great if you included the category you see the example applying to and a brief explanation why. 
  • Check out other postings by other teachers from other schools throughout the day and week and add your comments.